Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just Like Home

Just a week and a half ago, I was complaining about the long cold snap we were experiencing. Today, just 12 days later, it will reach 60 degrees  by afternoon.  Ever day this week we have flirted with the 50 degree mark.  So, instead of dealing with the ice on my decent from this "peak", it has been the mud for a few days.  However, I am not and will not complain.  It did make me think of the weather back home.   Of course the ladies in my office still had the heat cranking and occasionally would, as usual, leave their desks to sit for a spell on the heater. For me, it is a welcome relief to venture out without the long underwear, scarf, sweater and gloves. 

Started my English classes in earnest this week and had a fairly good turnout.  All four in my first level class did return which is great.  I actually enjoy this group the most.  Possibly because I can empathize with them as they struggle as I continue to struggle two or three times a week with my tutor.

I think I am starting to know what life was like for women in the 40's...or maybe thirties.  Last night when I finished my Macedonian lesson, I washed four dress shirts in the kitchen sink and hung them on a rack in front of my space heater to dry.  This morning, after cleaning up a bit (for the first time), I washed three jerseys in the same manner.  Geez, my hands feel like sandpaper!!!  My last place had a clunker of a washing machine and I now appreciate it more than ever.  There is one here and the landlord did say I could use it.  However it always seems to be in use by the family (there are 4) when I am home.   I may have found a new place anyway.  A fellow volunteer went with her Macedonian counterpart to see it this week and said it is a good one and in my price range.  I now need to be put in contact with the owner, find a good interpreter, and see what I can do. The place actually has a bedroom, a washing machine and an old TV.  Best of all, it is right in the center of town on the same street where I lived when here last.
I wish I had been able to connect this week as another three months rent is due here next week.  should I get the place, I must first get Peace Corp approval and then give 30 days notice to this landlord. Asking for a refund on the other two months can be awkward.  

This coming Monday I will take the 6AM bus to Skopje for a three day Peace Corp conference.  It is called the "mid-service" conference and is for my group, MK 15's.  Of course, this is nowhere near mid-service for me just yet, but I was invited to attend.  It will be nice to catch up with those I have not seen since my return.   I am prepared for constant harassment by a certain group that has made it clear I will not escape unscathed and will face considerable grief for my nine month hiatus.  They have already started with a face book page , secret thankfully, where invited guests can post any number of harassing comments.  I did warn a few of them that there may be some sort of revenge planned. 
While in the capital, I hope to be able to buy a few things not available here.  One for sure is a hair trimmer.  I brought mine and also brought a power adapter that supposedly enables US appliances to work on European current.  Well, it does not work with my hair trimmer.  This one bit the dust just like the one I brought the last time.  There is also a small group of us that will be getting together Tuesday night and heading to a restaurant to celebrate a volunteer's birthday. 

the conference is a nice break from routine for those who have been here, and I will be enjoying it too.  All except the three hour bus rides!

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