Friday, September 3, 2010

Ready yet?

September 02

So, one week to go!

This past Saturday, I was surprised by my friends with a terrific "going away" party. Never thought I would enjoy a party so much as I did this one.

Left for CT. the next day for three days watching my granddaughter, Abby. At first I thought it an inconvenience but it turned out to be a great three days. She was a joy to be around. Now that I am back home, I need to get back to the business of preparation.

My place is nice and clean thanks to a friend and her sister, so the new tenant will be pleased. Insurance coverages, registrations, banks and utilities are nearly wrapped up and should be completed soon and on schedule. The next "big thing" is packing my two bags and finding out just what I will and will not be able to take along.

After all this, I am thinking training will be far less stressful than I first imagined. I also received some news on the age demographics of the Macedonian class I will be joining. There are 38 members and 10 are over 50!!!

Oh...all those comments about "studying the language"...forget it. I guess it will be learn it when I get there

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